
6 minute read

如果有一个地方可以让你做最混乱的自己,那就是你的家. 我们说的是深夜纸杯蛋糕杰作, bathroom hair dye experiments, 打雪仗结束后,在火炉边(或地板上)啜饮热巧克力, and the couch)

Despite our best efforts to keep our spaces sparkling, sometimes life has other plans. That’s why an occasional deep cleaning session can be a major help in keeping your home fresh and clean. 当这种深度清洁也有助于环境? Now that’s a feel-good clean.

Wondering where to start? 这种深度清洁是为你准备的. We’re going to break down the essential deep-cleaning checklist—where you should clean, 通常被忽视的角落和缝隙, and the eco-conscious cleaners 这可以帮助你完成工作. 

Places to Deep Clean

Before we dig into the perfect products for bringing the sparkle back to your home, let’s start our deep cleaning checklist with some essential spaces to spruce—including a few oft-forgotten, 收集灰尘的角落和缝隙.

The Kitchen

The kitchen is probably the space in your home that you actively clean most often. 即使你是洗碗冠军, 擦柜台和灶台, 至少要定期清理基本的溢出物或粘点, 深度清洁通常会发现厨房里的一些惊喜. 

让你的厨房回到最佳状态, let’s explore a few deep cleaning must-dos in the kitchen that you might skip in your day-to-day to-do list:

  • 水槽排水管和垃圾处理机 – Left to their own devices, your sink drain, 垃圾处理会产生异味,滋生细菌. Now, when it comes to how to clean a sink,有许多不同的方法. Use eco-consious cleaners, a drain snake, 甚至是一把旧牙刷来清除堵塞, kill germs, 消除不太令人愉快的气味.
  • The refrigerator 这是一项乏味的工作,但总得有人去做. 把所有的食物从冰箱里拿出来,把架子擦干净, drawers, and walls of your refrigerator will eliminate odors and remind you to chuck those month-old leftovers. 
  • Hood fan vents – Perhaps you accidentally burned the butter or love getting a good sear on those sauteed veggies. In either case, having a hood fan over your stove is a prime way to get rid of smoke and unwanted odors, 但排气口也会吸收微小的食物颗粒, grease, and dust. 所有这些都会积聚在表面. 用湿海绵和 plant-powered dish soap designed to fight grease. 我们的特点是易于生物降解的配方.
  • The garbage can – The inside and outside of your garbage can are bound to take some splashes or get sticky over time—更不用说它周围的地板和墙壁空间了. Wipe them down with ECOS All-Purpose Cleaner 消除异味和积聚的细菌.
  • Kitchen cabinets -很容易记住清洁厨房用具, but don’t forget about the dust and crumbs that can accumulate in your kitchen cabinets. Take out the items in your cabinets and give the shelves and walls a good scrub with soapy water or cleaning spray.

And, as always, 别忘了打扫房间的基本步骤——扫地, mopping, dusting, and wiping surfaces. 

The Bathroom

Just like your kitchen, any bathroom in your house can build up grime over time. In addition to the usual dust and dirt buildup that plagues the rest of your home, studies show that toilet flushing can potentially spread waste-related germs throughout your bathroom.

Aside from sweeping, mopping, dusting, and wiping surfaces, 确保你的浴室清洁清单包括以下方面:

  • 马桶(前、后、座、盆)
  • Sink and shower hardware
  • Drains
  • 地砖、后挡板和台面的灌浆
  • 处理和铰链的壁橱门,淋浴罩,和橱柜
  • 抽屉的内部(尤其是存放化妆品的地方)
  • Toothbrush holders
  • Medicine cabinets
  • 浴帘和浴缸的墙壁和地板
  • Fan vents

If you decide to integrate more deep cleaning into your regular maintenance routine, 浴室应该排在你清单的首位. Learning how to clean a shower, floor, cabinets, and other areas of the bathroom regularly can be beneficial for your regular cleaning routine. Even if you only add a few items from the above list into your weekly cleaning schedule, 你会对你家人的健康和安全产生巨大的影响. 

Kids’ Rooms

If you have children, you know that all the fun and joy they bring also ups the mess factor. 你好,在地毯上烤的培乐多. Deep cleaning your child’s room is an excellent opportunity to get them involved in the action and teach them about the joys of house cleaning. 


  • 擦拭玩具和玩具盒的内部
  • 清洁窗户、镜子和窗台
  • Dusting inside of the closet (and creating a donation pile of outgrown items)
  • 擦拭或更换抽屉衬垫
  • 打扫床下和床后
  • 对床垫和弹簧箱进行吸尘和除臭
  • Dusting and wiping bookshelves
  • 整理首饰和配饰

Deep cleaning your childrens’ rooms semi-regularly will help them maintain baseline cleanliness, 告诉他们保持空间卫生和安全的重要性, 让你对他们的健康放心.


Common Living Spaces

While you can hide messes and dust in some rooms by simply closing the door, 要隐藏灰尘要困难得多, dirt, 以及客厅等公共生活空间的杂乱, family room, den, or dining room. 

While sweeping, mopping, dusting, 擦拭表面当然应该在你的深层清洁清单上, consider putting your shining skills to good use with the following tactics:

  • 用吸尘器清理沙发垫(和下面)
  • 除尘灯罩和灯具
  • Recycling old magazines (or adding them to your children’s arts and crafts bin)
  • 清扫地毯下面的灰尘
  • 清洁家具的下面和后面
  • Wiping photo or artwork frames
  • 清洁电视和电视后面的墙
  • 整理书架和娱乐中心的橱柜
  • 洗瓷柜里的盘子
  • 擦拭迷你酒吧或饮料站
  • 除尘通风口和风扇叶片
  • Polishing your furniture

Your Bedroom

确保你的睡眠既清爽又宁静, 在你的深度清洁阶段不要吝啬卧室. Multiple studies show that maintaining a clean space correlates to improved physical health, 降低皮质醇(“压力荷尔蒙”), and better sleep. 

你的卧室深度清洁清单应该包括扫地, mopping, dusting, wiping surfaces, and washing your linens. But don’t forget to clear the clutter, dirt, dust, and grime from other important spaces, like:

  • 梳妆台、床头柜的抽屉和橱柜
  • Under and behind furniture
  • Underneath rugs
  • Your mattress and box spring
  • Your door handles and hinges
  • 镜子、窗户和窗台
  • The front and back of doors
  • Your headboard and bed frame
  • 你衣柜的后面和上面的架子

When cleaning, always make sure that your personal space gets the same attention as the rest of your home. 

Couple cleaning their home

Supplies for Deep Cleaning

To ensure your deep clean is as friendly to the earth as it is to your home, stocking up on sustainable cleaning supplies and eco-conscious cleaners before you begin your quest for a dust- and dirt-free home is a must. 

虽然你可能需要其他的清洁用品来清洁特殊区域(toilet bowl cleaner, we’re looking at you), the following make our list of deep-clean essentials:

  • Dusting 你真正需要清除灰尘的是一块湿布, 但如果你发现任何粘点, 你可以喷一点 all-purpose cleaner.
  • Degreasing -想知道橄榄油是怎么跑到楼梯扶手上的? 你得自己解开这个谜团, 但是你可以很容易地用温水去除油污, a sponge, and a squeeze of ECOS dish soap.
  • Disinfecting – To keep your deep clean from causing damage, avoid disinfectants with harsh chemicals like bleach. Instead, look for a bacteria-fighting solution formulated with hydrogen peroxide, like ECOS One-Step Disinfectant Cleaner.
  • Stain removal – If your close inspection of the couch revealed that that suspicious dark spot is definitely not a shadow, there’s an eco-conscious stain remover solution for that, too—like this stain and odor remover from ECOS.
  • To add some shine -把口水擦在鞋子上,拥抱ECOS的力量吧! furniture cleaner and polish.
  • To fight tough odors Skip the baking soda and vinegar solutions (which could damage your mattresses, furniture fabrics, and rugs) and opt for an odor remover made with safer ingredients that eliminate odors instead of covering them up.
  • For everything else -适用于所有其他区域的表面擦拭,更安全、可持续 all-purpose cleaner on hand is essential.


最后,找时间彻底清理一下会让你松一口气. As you say your goodbyes to the mud from last season’s soccer practice and those three-year-old cobwebs in the corner, it’s important to ensure that any cleaning products you’re bringing into your home aren’t worse than any grime. 

常见的家用清洁剂,如漂白剂, ammonia, 更多的人会给我们的身体和家庭带来悲伤, 其中许多与健康问题和失调有关. Plus, 考虑到我们这么多的清洁都被浪费了, we also risk introducing toxins to vulnerable environments and aquatic ecosystems.

想要一个简单的方法来发现更安全的十大彩票网赌平台? 寻找“更安全的选择”标签——这是一个标志,表明美国的食品安全.S. Environmental Protection Agency has certified them as using only good-for-you (and good-for-Mother-Nature) ingredients.


有什么比揭示你的家的原始潜力更令人满意呢? The answer is doing it with products that are safer for people and pets and free of harsh substances. 你的家具和你的星球都会感谢你的.

我们相信,能够接触到 safer cleaning products is paramount. Our plant-powered, sustainable approach to cleaning is helping families around the world embrace a clean life without introducing harsh, 潜在的有害物质进入他们的家.

疾病控制和预防中心. Lifting the lid on toilet plume aerosol: a literature review with suggestions for future research. http://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/37101#:~:text=The%20studies%20demonstrate%20that%20potentially,adrift%20in%20the%20air%20currents. 
Psychology Today. 清洁背后的强大心理学. http://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-truisms-wellness/201607/the-powerful-psychology-behind-cleanliness
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